I've set my reading challenge for 2013 to 60 books... Last year it was originally 50 but when I reached the goal prior to the end of the year, I increased it to 60. At the end of 2012, I had actually read 71 books.
1 book is done for 2013, What's a Ghoul to Do? by Victoria Laurie. Really great read, Funny and it kept my attention. +Jenn Coull and my first book of 2013 was What's a Ghoul to Do? This is the first time we had this happen. Mind you that we did read the same book at the same time during one our read-a-thon's last year.
+Jenn Coull and I created a list of authors that were new to us, to try in 2012 and when the year ended we found we had only read 2 out of the 10 authors selected.
We decided to create a new list for 2013. In order to try more of the new authors that were on my list I decided I would read one book from each author selected in order of how I had listed them. My 10 authors for 2013 are:
Victoria Laurie
Jasmine Cresswell
Lora Leigh
Christine Lynxwiler
Carla Neggers
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Carly Phillips
Jane Porter
JoAnn Ross
Jennifer Weiner
Finished: Victoria Laurie - What's a Ghoul to Do?
Started: Jasmine Cresswell - Decoy by Jasimne Cresswell - just in the 2nd Chapter of the book and liking it so far.
A really good book doesn't need a bookmark because you'll never put it down long enough to forget the page you were on.